Monday, 3 October 2016

Third DT reveal

Hi all!Welcome to Nakshathra Designz.Now its time to reveal the third DT.


Yess!It's well known Rashmi Tater.Am so happy to have such a talented crafter for Nakshathra Designz.

Over to her:

I'm Rashmi tater an MBA in marketing but never took up a job because I always wished to be an entrepreneur and that zeal of doing something of ur own was unbeatable ,that Just made me take up my passion as mainstream . I love crafting ! It's not just love it's much more . I love seeing things turn to piece of art and beauty  and always believe in experimenting . I'm married to this young man who not only supports me in my work but actually celebrates it with me ! 

As a kid i Was always amazed as of how ppl drew so well  ! Will I be able to ever ? But u know what u can never be some one else you will need to have ur own style 💕and all it takes is a plunge of faith . When I began I never knew I'll be able to survive or not in this industry though niche ,But hey ! I'm trying too and actually falling all over in love with the beauty of creating .
Facebook page:

Welcome Rashmi Tater.Awaiting to see your creations with Nakshathra Designz pattern paper.